Greg Vaughn, PS, RPLS
Regional Manager, Survey, Allegan
Greg began his surveying career with the U.S. Army in 1984 and has since performed surveys in seven states and two countries. He joined Wightman in 2017. In his role as a senior project manager, he blends his expertise in land surveying with his business development acumen to expand the company’s presence in the West Michigan market and beyond as it relates to reality capture and surveying. Greg specializes in project management for land development and condominium conversion projects. He also provides expert witness consulting and testimony in boundary litigation and riparian bottomland apportionment cases.
Our people are what makes working at Wightman so great! Listen to what Greg thinks about his job and culture at Wightman.
Areas of Focus
- High Definition Laser Scanning (HDLS)
- Drone mapping
- Condominium conversion of existing buildings
- Site condominiums
- Subdivision plats
- Large tract metes & bounds land divisions
- Consulting for boundary disputes
- Riparian surveying
- Business development
A.A.S. General Studies
University of Maryland, College Park, MD
A.A.S. Civil Engineering Technology
Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI
B.S. Land Surveying
Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI
Professional Training & Registrations
Professional Surveyor Licenses in Michigan & Texas
- Army Accommodation Medal - 1987
- Class Valedictorian - Michigan Tech - February 1991
- Published Author - West Michigan Architect & Builder - October 2000
- Elected to Board of Directors - Nederveld - 2005 - 2008
- Oversight of 1 of only 2 of Michigan's Expedited Remonumentation Programs
- Wightman Rock Star Award Winner
Affiliations & Memberships
- Elder - Grandville Church of Christ
- Michigan Society of Professional Surveyors (MSPS) Legislative Committee
- Greater Lansing Education Advisory Committee (GLAR)
- Continuing Education Instructor - GLAR
- Board Member / Treasurer - Hudsonville Hornets Homeschool Basketball
- Board Member / Treasurer - Daniel Heights Student Housing (MTU)
Personal Note
Greg loves the great outdoors, hiking, and white-water rafting. He also enjoys meeting new people.