Connecting People and the Outdoors – Naturally
Wightman Landscape Architecture
Think about where you enjoy time outdoors. Strolling down a tree-lined downtown sidewalk with a steaming cup of coffee in hand. Channeling your inner weekend warrior as you hike and bike that nearby trail. Watching your kids play soccer at the new athletic field over by the school. These places – the ones that lie between the buildings that architects plan and the roads that engineers design – are what Wightman’s landscape architects are passionate about.
Our holistic approach to sustainable landscape design honors the bond between people and nature. Working with municipalities, we specialize in streetscapes, park & recreation planning & design, trail master planning, playgrounds, and sports complexes. Partnering with businesses and schools, we apply nature-based design research to improve the health and productivity of employees and students. We work with all types of organizations to protect our environment with green stormwater management systems and the use of native plants.
And those architects and engineers here at Wightman? We collaborate with them to plan and design natural infrastructure that prevents erosion, encourages groundwater recharge, and provides natural energy-savings for the projects on which they are working.