Schuur Park-Dowagiac, Michigan

Planning for Schuur Park began with the Quality of Life plan Wightman prepared with the City of Dowagiac in 2015. The site, located at Cass Avenue and the Dowagiac Creek, was a former commercial site that the City had acquired as park space. A master plan was developed for the site in 2015, and Wightman helped the City apply for a Michigan Department of Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant for improvements to the site in 2017. The grant was awarded in 2018 and the project went out for bid in early 2019.

The design provides natural play areas and access to the Dowagiac Creek. The beautiful location is complemented by a small playground with a natural berm, hill slide, tunnel, and stone climbing structures. A stone kayak launch and fishing platform provide water access to the Creek, while stormwater filters through a rain garden into adjacent wetlands. To easily accommodate visitors, 10 parking spaces are provided on-site, and the park has room for expansion, allowing for a future trailhead and trail along the Creek to Riverside Drive.

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